Performance Schedule

Pirates Cove

Pirate Induction – 11am and 3pm
Arrgh! Ye Salty Scallywags! Walk the plank and join Capt.Scurvy’s crew! Eye patches for everyone!


Fairy Queen Rose and her Seelie Court

 Right out of Neverland- the Queen of Fairies and her court will have plenty to surprise all the young fairies and elves!
1 pm – Pixie Coronation!
3:30 – Bubbles!


The Stages

Salty Dogs and Scallywags

Captain Scurvy's Stage

Kraken's Korner Pub

10:15 am

Black Murray

Die Hinterhofspieler

Tramps & Hawkers

11 am

Joshua the Ventriloquist

Pirate Induction

Salty Troy the Troubadour


Parade of Pirates

Nina & Jordan


1:00 pm

Black Murray

Cardboard Pirate Ship Races!

Tramps & Hawkers

2 pm

Joshua the Ventriloquist

Dark Art Collectives "Nautical Nonsense"

Salty Troy the Troubadour

3 pm

Fingal Bonzi

Pirate Induction

Butte Magic

4 pm

Black Murray

Nina & Jordan

Tramps & Hawkers

5 pm

Joshua the Ventriloquist

Die Hinterhofspieler

Butte Magic

6 pm

Fingal Bonzi


Pub Sing Along....

7 pm



....and Rum Competition (Grown-Ups Only!)